General terms and conditions of business
The following terms and conditions apply to the contractual relationships between trainers4training Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement und Beratung mbH (t4t for short) and its customers and partners; they apply to all services (design, preparation, documentation and implementation) of SAP Training, process visualisation and project management. Any deviations are to be regulated in individual or framework contracts.
A registration/order can be made in writing by mail, fax or e-mail to t4t. Appointments can be arranged by telephone, but registrations/orders cannot be accepted by telephone.
You will then receive a confirmation of registration/order, information about the specific times, the venue with directions (if not "in-house") and any special instructions.
Cancellation of seminars/workshops
Cancellations must be made in writing by post, fax or e-mail to t4t. Free cancellation of a seminar/workshop is only possible up to 14 calendar days before the first day of the event. If we receive a cancellation less than 14 days before the start of the event, we will charge a cancellation fee of 40% of the total price. In the event of cancellation within 3 working days or less before the first day of the event, we will charge 75% of the training/workshop fee. This also applies if the training/workshop is rebooked by the customer for a later date. If a seminar/workshop date has to be cancelled by trainers4training for organisational reasons, claims over and above fees already paid cannot be asserted.
Fees consist of a participant-dependent seminar/workshop price plus an organisation fee, system usage fees and travel expenses. The participant-dependent seminar/workshop price includes the complete seminar service, including the user licence for t4t concepts, printed documents, as well as shipping and transport costs for documents to the place of use. We recommend agreeing on all-in daily rates or fixed flat rates for travel expenses.
In the case of customer-specific individual training, the exact scope of services will be specified in a separate written agreement.
Event room at the customer
If the event room is provided by the customer for in-house events, the following applies:
The provision of a suitably equipped event room as well as the release of the software applications required for the implementation of an in-house event are the responsibility of the customer and are at his expense.
Licensed products
As far as the customer provides license products for use in a training / seminar / workshop, he will release t4t from all possible claims of the property right owner in case of violation of valid property rights and copyrights within the scope of the use of these license products in an in-house event.
Preparation times
If an in-house event is to be carried out in deviation from the advertised concept and/or using company-specific documents, special preparation times may be required; this also applies if system-technical adjustments, parameter adjustments or changes in the area of data models and exercises are necessary or desired by the customer.
The performance of course preparation work must be expressly commissioned and the additional costs must be agreed with t4t.
Travel and travel expenses
The calculation of travel costs for in-house events at the venue chosen by the customer shall be based on the shortest route from Nuremberg to the venue. 0.65 €/km plus VAT will be charged for the daily outward and return journey. This also includes the costs for any travel time.
For longer distances, the cheapest means of transport will be chosen (car/train/flight). In the case of travel by airplane, the costs incurred will be charged in Europe for economy class, intercontinental business class.
Regulations deviating from this can be defined in the individual contract between the customer and t4t. We recommend the agreement of all-in daily rates or fixed travel expense flat rates.
Hotel expenses
Unless an all-in daily rate has been agreed, hotel costs for overnight stays at the place of assignment may be included in a flat-rate travel allowance or may be charged according to expenditure on presentation of receipts.
In conurbations, during trade fairs or at major events, appropriate local accommodation surcharges will also be charged.
Unless an all-in daily rate has been agreed upon, daily expenses may be included in a flat-rate travel allowance or may be invoiced according to the daily expenses defined in the Federal Republic of Germany by country.
The conditions stated in the current t4t price lists apply in each case plus the respective valid sales tax, for customers abroad without sales tax. Prices agreed in writing, which may differ, are valid for the duration of an individual or framework contract.
The settlement of individual measures is carried out immediately after completion of the measure. The invoicing of services within the scope of a project takes place at the end of each month on the basis of assignment reports per trainer on an hourly basis. Smallest unit = 0.25 hours
Invoiced services are due in full within 30 days of the invoice date and are payable without deduction.
The contracting parties undertake to maintain secrecy about information and documents which have been marked or named as confidential in the course of the business relationship, also beyond the business relationship.
Online training courses and workshops ("Virtual Classroom")
Equipment: Computer, headset with microphone, webcam, per participant are required and provided by the client.
Video recordings of online training courses and workshops are subject to a charge (see t4t price list). They must be agreed and commissioned with trainers4training GmbH in advance of the event.
Video recordings that have not been agreed are not permitted and violate copyright law, data protection and the protection of "confidentiality of the word".
§ Section 201 of the German Criminal Code criminalizes the violation of "confidentiality of the word". The following are punishable by imprisonment of up to three years or a fine
- makes an unauthorized recording of the non-publicly spoken word of another person or
- uses a recording made in this way or makes it accessible to a third party.
Further penal norms exist in the area of data protection laws and regulations as well as copyright law.
In addition to commissioning t4t to record a seminar, both the trainer and all participants must therefore agree to the recording. This must be documented in writing before the event, or at the beginning of the event after the start of the recording medium by verbally asking all participants.
Data protection and data security
The handling of data transmitted within the scope of the business relationship and its data protection and security is regulated in the data protection declaration of t4t. You can find this on the homepage
Place of jurisdiction
The place of jurisdiction is Nuremberg.
Invalidity of individual provisions
Should individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions be invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
Status: January 2024
trainers4training Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement und Beratung mbH
Südwestpark 37 - 41
90449 Nuremberg
Nuremberg, 21.11.2024