Our t4t business expert Dr. Gabriel Dohmen, who has more than 20 years of experience in process analysis, tells us about a classic case study.
I recently received a call from Mr Wagner:
"I don't know if you remember me, but you did a process analysis in a company I worked for about ten years ago near Düsseldorf. At the time, I didn't believe that you could do it in just three days. But you did! Now I am the CEO of another company here in Salzburg. I urgently need your support. I need you to help me streamline our processes."
I accepted the challenge and once again won the trust of Mr. Wagner: After I had completed the process audit in Salzburg, he asked me to analyze the processes at five other locations in Europe. The project lasted a total of 21 days.
In the end, I had created diagrams for each department in the six countries, which made it very easy to see the differences in the processes.
After five more working days, during which several in-depth interviews were conducted, the customer received a list of measures required to optimize and harmonize the processes. This enabled him to commission an SAP consultancy to put each measure into practice.
Furthermore, some topics could be optimized with t4t training measures to close knowledge gaps discovered by users.
You would also like more transparency about your business processes? Our experts will be happy to provide you with individual advice. Contact us.